Vulnerable populations

Over twenty years of experience working across the spectrum of health care providers: hospitals, long term care, hospice, home care and community based care.  We bring a unique understanding of the needs and issues faced by this critical industry.  Working together, we can ensure you are ready to meet the new CMS Emergency Preparedness and Response requirements.

community PARTNERShips

The cornerstone of a successful Emergency Response and Preparedness Program is the relationships within your community, including private, not-for-profit and governmental entities.  We can work with you to incorporate these critical and mutually beneficial resources into your emergency planning efforts.
Breaking Bubbles by Isabel Bloedwater/Flicker
Stronger Together by Topher McGrillis


A significant specialty of Raffle Solutions is the ability to develop Telework or Remote Work Programs.  This capability can significantly enhance your Business Continuity efforts and result, over time, with a significant cost savings.  One client saved, after two years of deploying staff to work from home both full and part time, over $1.6 million dollars.  Let us show you how a relatively small investment, and a corporate commitment, can pay off both financially and operationally.

We wanted to bring your attention to our special expertise. We are the 'go to' firm if these are among your areas of interest or need.

community emergency response, community emergency planning, community based planning, working from home, telework, business continuity plan, emergency planning health care, emergency planning vulnerable populations, vulnerable populations, home care emergency response